Monday, December 29, 2008

Mall Walking

So I did it. Today I became a mall walker. Sure I was the youngest one there (minus Brandon of course) but all in all it was a pretty good time. It started out with my stepping on a patch of black ice and hitting the ground hard on my nicely padded behind. Thank goodness for that natural padding to break my fall. Anyway... So I go in, and immediately notice that every person there had either white or silver hair! All these little old ladies swinging their arms like they are power walking, and the old men walking in three's, chatting about how they use their canes to hit people instead of walk... I felt almost like an outsider to a JR High, but instead the kids were old... Like the little groups and jokes going on.. It was so funny to observe. And my favorite was this cute old dude who kept trying to walk with me, and would smile and wave or comment every time I passed him. I swear he took the shortcut to get ahead and then walked slow just to say something to me... Again, like Jr High! So I made a new friend. And kept my heart rate up for 30 minutes, and got to window shop without the temptation of buying because the stores were still closed! All in all, it was a great morning.

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome. Which mall did you go to for this? I'm sorry you fell in the parking lot. So far I've slipped a few times, but haven't gone all the way down. I sometimes wonder if it's better to go all the way down instead of looking ridiculous with the flailing arms trying to stay up. Hm...
