Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mine Mine Mine!

K, so We have the family blog, and since it is in my son's name, I don't really feel all that good about ranting and raving about things that I want to... So, here it is. A place for me to let it all out. I have already used this blog to vent, those rantings have been deleted... Wasn't quite appropriate... I will do my best to sensor myself.. not making any promises. With that...

I just finished reading the Twilight series... Again... I expected it to take me longer than a week. I think becuase I have read them all a few times already I really don't read as thoroughly as I should, I more skim and skip to the parts I like. Even still, it is a small obsession. I laughed out loud when I was reading Jacob's section in Breaking Dawn and he spoke about Bella as if she were a drug, and even though he knew she was bad for him, and it would hurt more when he quit, he still needed his fix. It feels like that to me. To escape to this world is like getting my fix. My release and numbness from reality. Don't get me wrong, I love life, my family, friends, but sometimes it is just nice to dissapear into someone else's world.

I much prefer the fantasy easy to read then the wordy novels. I understand that almost every story has the Hero's Journey, but I don't want to feel like I am reading something for a class... So please comment if you have any suggestions!

K.. and dodgeball is on right now. funniest movie ever. Dwight is training himself to not like doughnuts... lol... wow.

Anyway. I am trying to keep myself busy, around the house, doing odd jobs for my dad, and doing travel for friends and hopefully some big companies... Love Travel.

So we are waiting on everything for Ricky. He may or may not become a member of Homeland Security guarding our Borders. We just got a small hold up, but should be able to push through quickly, I hope. This would be such a great thing for our family. Even though it would pull us away from almost everyone that we love and ship us down to the US Mexico Border, what an amazing opportunity it will be! Moving doesn't scare me. never has. Renting out our house, that makes me a little nervous... but thankfully we have really amazing neighbors/friends next door that could keep an eye on it for us. If he gets it, we may end up in Yuma AZ... a little in the middle of no where... but I am sure I would have no problem keeping busy.

My show is finally online! the first episode at least... You can view it at Send it to everyone you know! Watch it as much as you can bear! The first episode is the only one that is available right now, and it doesn't really tell too much of the story, but is really setting everything up...

Dodge, Dip, Dive, Duck, Dodge....

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